Name: Dan Ellingworth
Title: Lecturer in Sport
Having progressed through the traditional Sport and Exercise Science route, Dan is keen to play his part in developing the next generation of practitioners.
His person-centred approach helps him to adapt to challenges placed in front of him, placing student’s needs at the fore. Passionate about enhancing the student experience, Dan brings his enthusiasm into the classroom to create an engaging environment and supported the university in their TEF submission.
Currently completing a PhD exploring the experiences of applied practitioners, he can bring his research into the classroom to help prepare students for post-graduate life, specialising in modules centred around psychology across both sport and exercise domains.
Dan utilises his experiences in the applied fields of coaching and psychology to develop the curriculum ensuring our students are ready for industry.
Fascinated with the interactions between key stakeholders, practitioners and gatekeepers, Dan hopes to bring this interest to the forefront of practitioner development considerations.