Name: Dr. Anthony Gorman
Title: Senior Lecturer in Sport (Biomechanics)
Specialism: Biomechanics
Dr Anthony Gorman is Senior Lecturer and Module Leader for Biomechanics.
He has considerable experience teaching biomechanics and has developed undergraduate degree courses at several higher education institutes.
Joining UA92 from managing an industry-facing biomechanics technology hub, Anthony brings with him a wealth of applied research knowledge, having worked with clients ranging from wearable-technology companies and the Police Force to Paralympic athletes and Formula 1 racing teams.
Anthony’s research interests include the provision of novel biomechanical biofeedback for performance enhancement, using principles of biomechanics to aid product design and innovation, and the analysis of swing-motions such as hockey hitting.
It is using his extensive teaching and research expertise that Anthony delivers practical and engaging courses, through which students can develop both their academic and applied skills.