I’m Katie and I’m a first-year Computer Science student at UA92. Welcome to a week in my life!
Right now, I’m heading into week five of my Back-End Development block. I’ve completed most of my assignment but am just developing some final key bits to add to the project, which is based around a school records system.
At UA92, you only ever study in the morning or in the afternoon. As an AM student, I set off nice and early to get into my 9 am session.
Previously in class, we have looked at the basics of PHP, but today we really get to understand how to implement it into our own code. PHP will help link my school database to my records webpage, allowing my user to input, remove, change and view the school data. I’m excited to see everything in my project come together!
Monday is also when I have training for the UA92 Women’s Football team. I really enjoy having the chance to socialise and exercise after a long day of study.
Continuing from the previous day, in Tuesday’s class we look at more complex functions in PHP and how to use HTML and PHP simultaneously.
I’m also a student class rep, so I gather some feedback from classmates about student experience, as well as any opinions about this block, ready for the student rep forum.
Digital Wednesday is usually the day I catch up with any work or do additional reading.
Sometimes there’s a football match with the UA92 team, but not this week so I use this time to look at PHP in much more detail.
Wednesday is the day I set all my goals and targets for the week ahead on Notion, the productivity app I use. I also use Wednesdays to have some well needed relax time, usually by treating myself to some coffee and cake from my favourite coffee shop!
Today, my class was given time to work on their projects. I implement a secure login page using HTML and PHP, using some of the code I’d researched the day before which hopefully adds some complexity to my project!
Once I get home, I spend some more time on my assignment and start my report, ready to hand in next week.
Today is Friday of Week 5, which means it is our day to spend on the 92 Programme. This is the part of our curriculum that helps to build character and develop the unique skills we have as people.
Today’s session is with the academics. This block is all about strengths, and we spend time in groups looking at our own strong points and the importance of having individuals with different strengths in a professional environment.
I also use some of this day to complete my learning journal, which is all about self-reflection and working on my soft skills. After this session, I’m off home to get ready for the weekend!
Written by Computer Science student, Katie.